N a t

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  • if I find Marshal again, you can have him for free ^^'
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    N a t
    N a t
    That's very sweet of you, I actually wasn't looking for myself. As cute as he is, I was gonna offer to purchase him for the other user on your thread with my TBT if you were accepting. You're very sweet to consider other users like this though, it just won't be necessary I'm afraid so don't worry about little old me. Thank you anyways and have a wonderful day! :)
    thanks for the follow :)
    N a t
    N a t
    I agree, and don't get me wrong, I like Raymond. But I also just happened to get him in my town by chance, and if I hadn't gotten him that way, I don't think I would have tried very hard to get him otherwise because i don't see the point in stressing over it when there are hundreds of villagers to like. The love for Raymond is unreal and tearing this place apart.
    Dwayne Johnson
    Dwayne Johnson
    i think theres a serious problem when someone seriously pays hundreds of real money for a digital character
    N a t
    N a t
    Yeah... I don't think it's healthy and definitely a bad financial decision. I haven't seen anyone do it yet but I'm sure someone has somewhere. I know that people are at least trying to sell both amiibo cards and villagers in game for a lot of money, but I haven't watched closely enough to see who purchased them. I might keep an eye on them and see, out of curiosity.
    There is a limit of time on the themes till they remove them from the website, and the only theme that won't be removed are the My Nintendo themes.
    I think one of the AC themes are going to be remove off the site in few weeks.
    I don't really remember.
    I have the ACNL pattern, ACNL Jack, ACNL Falling leaves, and ACNL spring themes.
    the only AC theme I bought in the theme shop, was the pattern theme that's it.
    I barely used any of the AC themes, I just like using zelda themes and my splatoon themes. On My Nintendo I got a lot of free theme download codes, but they're not really free, you have to get the codes if you have enough my nintendo points and for me right now I like 1,000 something points so I use them on stuff a lot. Also congrats on your first AC theme, I'm very glad I sold the theme to you.
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