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  • but theyre little ball of fluff especially those goldie puppies <3 cats are satan. my friend once came to school with his arm full of scratches and he said his cat did it lmao
    I love kitties hehe, and cuz my mom and I volunteer at this cat rescue, and we catch stray mama cats when they get preggers, so they can have their babies at our house where it's safe. Then the cat rescue adopts them out, so they get homes, and the rescue gets money to keep helping kitties. It's non-profit c:
    i just check my previous message and i realized i look like a grammar fool lel. so many typos. anyway, i think the mods just hate me lel
    well apparently i unintentionally bypassed the censor word for the f word. so instead of typing the full word out and let get censored, it typed the word without the you and unintentionally bypassed the censor and then the next thing i knew i got a warning lmao
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