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  • By the way, I don't think my void is clear. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe Kody is in there. Is that a problem?
    Hi, I have a Ice Cream Swirl you cna have!!! Reply if ya want it and ill send it for the 500 tbt! :D
    Oooh~ okies! It sounds easier said than done though.. ;o; but thanks, NaeNae-senpai! ovo
    Indeed I will, senpai~ :D

    Awwwh, that's so sweet! x3
    By the way, do you happen to drive? My dad dragged me out in the morning to get some experience at it and I think I did pretty good on most of the things except for parking. I was wondering maybe you could give me a few pointers? ^^;
    Alrighty then, so long as you're okay now! ^u^ And naah, don't worry about it. I can still type without using that finger so I'm fine, it just becomes a bit troublesome sometimes is all~ and thankies, I'm hoping it recovers by Sunday!

    Oh ya, I keep forgetting to ask you this.. but where did your username come from? It sounds really cute but nothing really comes to mind aside from cats when I think of it. xD
    Ooh, I've never used Discord before. How is it? o: And whaat? D: Have you see a doctor about that yet?! It isn't swelling up, is it? As for me... I broke the index finger on my left hand tossing a football around on Sunday. I couldn't bend it at all until today, though it's still pretty purple :c
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