• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • I got your request! It would have to be a new signature request, I can do it for 120 if youd like, only because its changing border, shape, and villagers. I would have to work on a new sig regardless :( so I think its best to order a new sig.
    Cosplaying really is a lot of fun!!! <3 You definitely get to meet new friends, hang out, and it's just amazing!!! Only downfall is that it's pricey ; __ ;

    Not eveennnnn ahahahaha XD
    Awww!!!! ; v; You can do it!!! Honestly no starts out perfect hahaha it just takes practice, especially with make up omg ahaha But if you use make up daily and are used to it, you should do pretty well then (unlike me HAHA)

    And well of course, you ARE a newb XD If you haven't cosplayed yet and it's your first time, then you are definitely new to cosplay hahaha there's nothing wrong with that. And many people look really good because of the experience they have! No one starts out perfect c:
    hii c: im available now to pick up the white formal pants, just notify me whenever your gate is open
    D'awww thank you!! Wishing you the best as well!!! <3

    Do you cosplay by any chance? O:
    Hahahah thanks!!! >//v//< D'AWWWW That's cute!! I'm so happy it all worked out for you guys!!! ; v;

    My boyfriend and I met in high school, I had a little crush on him (I didn't know this until we started dating, but he also had a crush on me XD ) I was a little scared though because he was one year older than me. ; v; That's what kept me away during high school, but we met again at an anime convention and we hit it off really well <3 It's kind of a looonnggg story on how we got together ahahahah XD But we got together and we've never been apart since then (aside from work and what not) also what's SO CUTE is when I whisper into his ears while he's asleep saying "I love you Patrick <3" he mumbles and says "I love you too Jasmine" ahahaha he never reminds it.
    LOL NO WORRIES!!! I remember Myspace used to be the thing back in the days hahaha now it's facebook. When I was young I was so against using facebook because my friends and I were all like "Myspace is better! C:< Facebook is for teachers/adults blah" ahahaha and here I am, using facebook now XD I want to hear your love story!!! XD

    Bwhaahhahaha oh heck no my parents were so against it LMAO, but I'm like super stubborn so they got used to it hahahaha
    Yeah!!!! Omg Hahahaha How did you guys meet? <3 Tell me your love story!!! ;D I'll tell you mine afterwards (If you want to know!) XDD Omgggg dude congrats!!! That's awesome!!!! My boyfriend and I wants a place of our own, but for now we are just saving up ;v ; Need to make sure we have a set job first! Omg that is a long trip!!! XD And yeah I can ;D Hahahaha I moved in with my boyfriend's parents like 1 month after we started dating LOL (I know it was super early ahahah we just hit it off really well! XD )

    Oh no no no I'm still in college XD Only 20! <: I took Graphics Arts in high school as an elective though!! But I've been making signatures, banners, etc. since I was 13 hahahaha (I'm looking back at my old work and I'm just cringing at the sight of them omfg LOL )
    DUDE OMG LOOOL!!!! (To be completely honest, our anniversary would have been Aug 8th, but we decided to choose Aug 9th because that's when it was for sure sure that we were going out hahaha) Yes we were omg!!! XD I live together with my boyfriend!!! Do you too?? XD My boyfriend and I share a room, we live with his dad. (I can always go back to my parent's house since it's in the same city and only literally like less than a 10 minute drive away, but I don't want to be away from my boyfriend hahaha ; v; )

    Yeah I am!! >//v/< I'm currently revamping my shop though!! Hahahaha I have a gallery as well!! <: Shop is closed temporarily atm!
    OMG CONGRATS!!! >//v//< My boyfriend and I will be on our 3rd year on August 9th! D'awww that's so cute!!! My boyfriend and I are always together ahahaha our laptops are next to each other as well XD He's normally playing video games while I'm making gfx or reading manga hahaha XD
    LOL D'awww how long have you been together with your boyfriend? <3 Does he have a tbt account as well? XD

    I tried to get my boyfriend to make a tbt account, but he didn't want too ; v;
    Hi! Sorry, I had already gotten off last night. I'm available whenever today. :) Also...I actually do not need the Cabin Low Table now...would it be possible to get the cabin bookcase instead? You can drop off. I'll send TBT right before
    Thank you! > v< Hahaha I love watching Aladdin <3 Disney movies are great haha!! <3
    Omg I really love your name!!! Jane from Tarzan hahaha! <3
    No problem at all! (≧∀≦) Sorry for the late reply! I just got off work hahaha!! I go by Miharu, but my real name is Jasmine! It's nice to meet you! c:
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