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  • ahh im sorry ive been doing a lot of running around > < i don't want to trouble you anymore than i already have but tysm!!
    omg. i am so so sorry i missed you! after i went to the store i had to cook dinner and forgot about the flowers ;___; let me send you some tbt for your trouble and add u
    ah im sorry >< something came up and i have to go to the store. i really apologize for the inconvenience. will you be here in 15 min?
    that's great! :] do you mind dropping off? i'm working my way up so i can get a train station upgrade
    Hi! You still on? I got busy playing AC, lol, I'm sure you know how it is. Want to come drop off flowers now? Or I can visit if that is easier. I will add you :) Thanks so much for doing this!
    My second town is called Rosewood :3. I'll end the session as soon as you arrive then i'll open the gates to Chibi which is my main town. I'll add your FC now! :)
    To clear your void, you'll need to visit a town that has 10 villagers. I have a second town that has 10 villagers, so is it okay if you visit my second town before you pick up Olivia from my main town?
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