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  • happy birthday, neb! i hope you’re doing well and that you have a good day. 💚
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    I was just lurking a certain other Pokemon forum and I was surprised to see you there. I don’t know why I was lol
    I'm guessing the forum was Pokecommunity? I've been on there for four years, but I tend to take long breaks from it. It's nice to get back into it though. There's a good amount of new threads to delve my teeth into.
    Hello Neb sorry for bothering you but I was wondering if you'd perhaps be interested in trading one of your July birthstones with me in which I could trade my December or October birthstone for it since you seem to have a birthstone lineup going on
    Thank you in advance! I was just wondering :)
    That sounds like a good trade! I'd be happy to do it.
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    Reactions: -Mars-
    Ok! I just realized one of your birthstones is a 2021 and the other is 2022
    I would like the (July, Ruby birthstone) 2022 if your okay with it
    would you like my December or October birthstone in exchange for it? If you have a message in mind for it you can tell me otherwise I will send it blank once you confirm which one you'd like!
    Thank you so much for trading! :)
    Your take on NH in the thread from earlier is the exact thoughts I have been wanting to say lol its the EXACT THING I WANTED TO EXPRESSSSSSSSSS
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    Reactions: Neb
    Hey! I've been practicing on this Sketchbook app.. Hope you like yourself Hampsterized 😂
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    Reactions: Neb
    This is a late response, but I really like the edit. Thanks for making it!
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