• Well I've just had a nice relaxing shower and I'm going to settle down for the night while working on my second town, so expect an order in for flowers and shrubs etc.
    What about having three towns on three different systems, is that bad? Lol.

    Just transferred the tbt :)
    No problem lol, I'm busy working out my next order for my second town, is that bad?
    If you want to, you can come to my town right now to drop off the flowers, or I could come to your town.
    Joy. Gotta love those timezone differences. You're GMT, yes? Best time would have to be Monday, between 9 am and 6 pm my time
    shoot. im just about to go somewhere. sorry!! ): i'd open up my gates but i cant close em eheh
    Sorry Nicole was still sleeping, had a rough journey yesterday and I'm now currently on the m5 at the moment but hopefully be able to catch you this evening or tomorrow as long as the Wi-Fi is working :blush:
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