mayorfrozen Aug 19, 2017 Ah seems like you're afk now - I'll close my gates since I wanna TT but I'll keep checking back! <3
mayorfrozen Aug 19, 2017 Gates are still open if you're still available! My bad for the wait though, it's ok if you would like to delay the trade for later! <3
Gates are still open if you're still available! My bad for the wait though, it's ok if you would like to delay the trade for later! <3
mayorfrozen Aug 19, 2017 Ahh give me a sec, I am just about to pick up a villager from someone! I'll be ready in 5-10min!
Chick Aug 19, 2017 I think i should post this in the thread, but can I buy 20 fertilisers for 40 TBT?
Chick Aug 19, 2017 Hey, I'm still here! I mostly go offline because I'm playing the game itself. You could always check Discord, to see if I'm online, if you even have it.
Hey, I'm still here! I mostly go offline because I'm playing the game itself. You could always check Discord, to see if I'm online, if you even have it.