Poptato Aug 27, 2018 I missed you again �� will you be available sometime in the morning in your time?
Poptato Aug 27, 2018 Hello! Are you online right now? I'm sorry I couldn't claim my order sooner. I got busy catching scorpions and tarantulas >.<
Hello! Are you online right now? I'm sorry I couldn't claim my order sooner. I got busy catching scorpions and tarantulas >.<
StarrySkye3 Aug 27, 2018 Hi Nicole, I’m awake now so I’ll keep checking for when you are back on! No worries either, I know it is a larger order so I didn’t mind waiting a bit.
Hi Nicole, I’m awake now so I’ll keep checking for when you are back on! No worries either, I know it is a larger order so I didn’t mind waiting a bit.
soggy Aug 27, 2018 Okey dokey, let me know when you are on again~ So sorry I missed your reply, didnt see that you were awake last night
Okey dokey, let me know when you are on again~ So sorry I missed your reply, didnt see that you were awake last night
soggy Aug 26, 2018 I left the gate open but i might be afk~! Feel free to come over whenever you are free!
soggy Aug 25, 2018 Oh and please let me know how much more to pay you! I'm sorry I'm not sure about all their prices ;o;
Oh and please let me know how much more to pay you! I'm sorry I'm not sure about all their prices ;o;