Kazelle Jul 26, 2017 it looks like you aren't active on the forums anymore? if you come back please vm me so i can order more things from your shop ^^
it looks like you aren't active on the forums anymore? if you come back please vm me so i can order more things from your shop ^^
onionpudding Jun 29, 2017 It's okay! I had fell asleep because it was 4 a.m. but I'm going to be online all day!
onionpudding Jun 29, 2017 Finally caught you online! Can I pick up my 2 lily lamps? ^^ 6 TBT in total, right?
Matt0106 Jun 28, 2017 Yes I did, but this one is a new order. I'm not sure if you're still running the shop so if you aren't then don't worry about it I understand you are busy
Yes I did, but this one is a new order. I'm not sure if you're still running the shop so if you aren't then don't worry about it I understand you are busy
Lightspring Jun 28, 2017 Oh, good! Sorry I went on a vacation for 2 weeks, but I'll try to be on every now and then to check.
Noodledoods Jun 21, 2017 Hello! I'm available now, if you'd like. Let me know when I can pick up my items~ (I'll transfer the TBT!)
Hello! I'm available now, if you'd like. Let me know when I can pick up my items~ (I'll transfer the TBT!)