• Well I've been kinda stressed out from school Everyone's turning on me so I flip them off and cus them out. And you?
    Hey, I'm back, and maybe I'm going to play Animal Crossing again. I'll let you know! :D
    Lol it's been 84 years and new leaf still isn't out yet. At this point I've spent more time waiting for the game than the time it will take for me to get bored of it
    Wow, small world. Couple clicks here, and i end up at you. When i'm on YouTube, I end up on Tom41's channel. I guess I kinda thought I was the only one playing AC... Amazing how wrong I was, huh?
    Hi would you like to exchange friend codes? I'm needing help getting non native fruits :<
    Town name: Banchory
    Player name: Primrose
    Native fruit: Peach

    Friend Code: 0219-0008-8254

    Message me back so I can add your code as well!!! :)
    I'm assuming yours is in your profile as well. I can add you when I get back to my 3DS.
    If you'd like to add me, my FC is in my profile. Are you currently playing NL?
    I lost it when copper said the usual 80430.......
    I added a newly added friend then i threw my wii on the floor.....
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