• Yeah I've definitely had mini episodes of lag or slowness. And like you my internet is pretty good. I only experience that here and well Twitter sometimes. Not sure if the issue is connected
    It definitely is a nuisance. Personally I'm not a fan of having to repeat myself even online.
    My post keeps disappearing. I'll be available to either pickup or receive my order for half an hour. :)
    Sure thing! I'll add you then open up soon!
    You can drop everything off either on the south beaches or at the plaza!
    That's fine~ Just boop me whenever you're ready!
    If I don't catch you soon, I'll catch you tonight for sure!
    Heyo! I'll be available for the next couple hours!
    I'll be around until 3PM EST, and then after that, probably 6PM EST to 1 or 2AM EST!
    So, whenever you're good, let me know!~
    Mini Schnauzers :>. My sister actually just got a Mini Schnauzer puppy with her husband, haha. I have a Jardine parrot and two cockatiels. Technically, the girl cockatiel is my boyfriend’s, but she likes to stay at my house way more, lol. My boyfriend already has four other birds at his place. XD
    Haha, for sure. I have two dogs and three birds. The dogs are mainly my parents’ dogs. The birds are mine. :p
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