• Shame that you had to go so early. I had a few paintings I wanted to get rid of. Real paintings.
    It's all in the pictures. The pictures show how the flowers should be planted for the best results.
    you know that guy named niks, well, on the dutch forum he was anrgy at me, because our fight about the dupliate stuff XD
    he named me pathetic and such things XD
    but then all in dutch of course XD
    and he feld so sorry for you that you must live in my **** or something, it was very strange XD
    you know that guy named niks, well, on the dutch forum he was anrgy at me, because our fight about the dupliate stuff XD
    he named me pathetic and such things XD
    but then all in dutch of course XD
    and he feld so sorry for you that you must live in my **** or something, it was very strange XD
    okay :D
    but between 1 and 5 PM i'm not home, i'm going to somewhere, don't know it myself even, my mom don't want to tell me, so that's between 12AM and 4PM at yours,
    so when shall we duplicate stuff?
    11 AM here sounds good? (that's 10AM yours)
    okay, i can't wait to see them :)
    and you have deviantart? on www.deviantart.com ?
    it's a really cool site, if you are good, then you can be very populair on the internet with drawings :D
    it's fun to do, and you will met some friends there :)
    i met some new friends there from around the world :D
    by the way, i made this :)
    it's very populair on Deviantart (a big art share website), it has added to many favorites and submitted too many groups, and has a load of views :)

    but tomorrow the fireworks show is tomorrow here, so if my sister yasmin isn't on the wii, then i can play with you till the fireworksshow :)
    and by the way, if i didn't mentioned the on the water walking, then we weren't friends anymore XD
    and i really don't care about what i said in the duplicate thread, i do it a lot myself XD
    by the way, we can duplicate together again if you want XD
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