F F FrozenPhoenix96 Jul 25, 2012 by the way, i want to make a new ball, but i have no idea what is shall put in it, do you have any ideas?
by the way, i want to make a new ball, but i have no idea what is shall put in it, do you have any ideas?
F F FrozenPhoenix96 Jul 25, 2012 here you can see all my creations :D http://frozenphoenix96.deviantart.com/gallery/
F F FrozenPhoenix96 Jul 25, 2012 hi nicole, you said my previous art was amazing, well, then you shall look at this what i made, this is more awesome, look:
hi nicole, you said my previous art was amazing, well, then you shall look at this what i made, this is more awesome, look:
F F FrozenPhoenix96 Jul 24, 2012 hi nicole, look what i made with a friend Spoiler http://frozenphoenix96.deviantart.com/art/Darknut-art-316689599
hi nicole, look what i made with a friend Spoiler http://frozenphoenix96.deviantart.com/art/Darknut-art-316689599
Envy Jul 24, 2012 Sure, sometime today I'll add you and maybe we can play, depending when you are on.
L L LadyRohan Jul 23, 2012 Jusr read your note now. I just got back from vacation but I wont be playing for a few days. Lots to catch up on.
Jusr read your note now. I just got back from vacation but I wont be playing for a few days. Lots to catch up on.