Espio&Kirby Jul 12, 2012 I'm goin back to my town and work on a pattern,so when I'm done you can come.
L L LadyRohan Jul 12, 2012 I mailed some of your Nook point items. Let me know if you get them. I'll be MIA all next week. I'm off to the beach.
I mailed some of your Nook point items. Let me know if you get them. I'll be MIA all next week. I'm off to the beach.
Dylab Jul 11, 2012 Hey nicole I remember you asked me to DUP you tons of flowers I can do that if you still need me to
Espio&Kirby Jul 9, 2012 I was goin to join but then Copper told me that its full ;-; can you tell them Im waiting for a spot to open up?
I was goin to join but then Copper told me that its full ;-; can you tell them Im waiting for a spot to open up?
Ashchu Jul 9, 2012 BTW my name (in AC-CF) is Anthony™ my town name is AJK Town and my friend code is 0647-8231-9609
Ashchu Jul 9, 2012 well it said "can you please get me a blue lightsaber, a blue pikmn hat, and a tri pokeball please. thank you " so um can you?
well it said "can you please get me a blue lightsaber, a blue pikmn hat, and a tri pokeball please. thank you " so um can you?