Niels707 Jul 7, 2012 Hey, this is Niels707. You know, Maarten707's brother. Would you like to add me as friend too?
violetneko Jul 6, 2012 Check this out! You can make your own patterns here to make in game! I've made Zelda and Link so far! :D
Check this out! You can make your own patterns here to make in game! I've made Zelda and Link so far! :D
Espio&Kirby Jul 6, 2012 Anyone who is online when I have it fully ready,Im thinking of making it longer but I would need help if I were to do that,
Anyone who is online when I have it fully ready,Im thinking of making it longer but I would need help if I were to do that,
Espio&Kirby Jul 6, 2012 I'm going to make a race today and the prize is 40,000 bells,and a red Pikmin hat!
Ashchu Jul 5, 2012 do you have these items cuz i want a blue pikmn hat and a blue lightsaber my friend code is 0647-8231-9609 my town is AJK Town and my name is Anthony™
do you have these items cuz i want a blue pikmn hat and a blue lightsaber my friend code is 0647-8231-9609 my town is AJK Town and my name is Anthony™
Rover AC Jul 5, 2012 Maybe, I might be able to play but not for all day. I will try to go to it though.