• Im just relaxing since iv done all my tests and i wont have any tests this week (last week of yr 8 for me) ;D
    :( Ok then, maybe u could put it on youtube and a Video of us playing sounds good.
    i got disconnected from wifi!

    Im looking for an open gate but its not showing any )=
    Apparently, it seems that my memory fails at times...I do indeed have oranges in my town, I just forgot that I had them, LOL. :p Also, in other good news, my ac adaptor has been fixed! ;)
    I would love to visit your town!
    Name: Carson
    Town: Hyrule
    Friend Code: 5243-7957-2989
    Added you on my 3DS, please add me when you get the chance! My Friend code is in my sig :)
    May I add you on my 3DS Friends? Also your drawing is finished! Hope you like it!
    Nicole, I would LOVE to draw you an AC character! I have a few questions before I begin: Animal or Human? What's your favorite: Fishing, Caching bugs, watering flowers, or digging? And one last question: what is your favorite AC outfit?
    You can come in 5 mins but my town has loads of dead flowers and it wont look as nice
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