Honestly I’d give my entire inventory for the wand. I’ve been looking for one for a few months now lol.https://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?471870-Heartwand-massive-offer&highlight=
This is the thread as is and I am offering everything in the list and I may add a moonball to the mix. I would offer a moonball+2 mori houses+dark blue house+cyan house+yoshi egg+toy hammer+dark egg. Insanely over value but no one seems to bite lol. Tysm for the offer for help btw!!
Ah ok congrats! I can't believe I only just saw this message lol. Also happy birthday for yesterday!
I'm not sure if you know more than me about the market but I thought I might ask since you have one... do you think if I changed my thread offer to a moonball+four houses (2 mori, 1 dark blue and 1 cyan) that it would make a fair offer for a heartwand? I need to entice people lol