• Sorry I just missed you! Is there any chance you are available now or tomorrow at some point?
    I don't think I need to change anything - which makes me happy. I can get right to playing. :D It is super light! When the package arrived my son joked that all they sent me was the charger. Because I didn't really use the 3D everything still looks great to me. My husband went out with some buddies tonight but before he left he was setting up the 3DS so he can start ACNL tomorrow. He practically snatched the system out of my hands! The Pikmin were cute and careful but I was still on pins & needles. I'd sue with you! Do we sue Nintendo or Captain Alimar?
    Hey Nicole, I'm so sorry for the wait, today was a really busy day today. Please let me know when you're ready for me to get them.
    It's funny - I didn't set out to get the Pokeball console but when saw it was $110 with shipping I thought that seemed like a good price. Mine arrived today! Yay! I just did a wireless system transfer. I have the same FC and it transferred all of the FC I had added. All my themes that I bought went through and I just double checked ACNL & Ultra Moon and all my save date went through for them as well. I have to admit it was nerve wracking watching the little Pikman carry my date around. I thought having hubby try PC was a good idea. Now he can't wait to set up the 3DS for him and start his copy of NL. That's awesome that you were playing XBox games! My old hands just can't keep up that fast of pace. lol! I can imagine playing the whole game in one day was draining.
    Yes, just drop the stuff around the station! If the space gets too little, I'll put the stuff in the locker immidiately :)
    I wonder if you did see the one I bought. I think you're right - I have a ton of "Friends" who I don't remember who they are and where I got their FC. I wrote down all the ones I really don't want to lose (like your new one). My hubby has secretly been interested in AC for a few months but had it in his head it was a "girl" game. I told him there are tons of guys on here who love AC. I told him to try Pocket Camp and see how that's not a girly game. He enjoyed PC but really wished he could interact with the villagers more & that we could actually play together. I told him to get New Leaf. I really think he's going to enjoy it now that he's past the whole gender hang up. I hope your boyfriend likes AC! It will be so fun to have someone close to have fun with.
    I'm free all day today whenever you are :) Sorry for the long wait, I've been really busy but am available now.
    Oh, hope you’re okay! Tomorrow there’s supposed to be a thunderstorm here.
    I’m online now and the next 2-3 hours. Let me know if you’re available! C:
    I always feel bad asking silly questions. I'm an idiot! I didn't even think about the FC changing! Oh, boy. I was telling my hubby about your new 2DS XL and how that's what I needed and he said he's always wanted a 3DS XL. I suggested we buy me a refurbished 2DS XL and he can have my 3DS XL. We found a Pokeball 2DS XL on eBay and it'a arriving tomorrow so I was wondering if I should be writing down the FC from my 3DS XL. Thank you for your help! *looks around for a notepad & pencil*
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