S S SunsetDelta Apr 29, 2018 OK! Just let me know when you're ready ❀ should I come to your town or let you come to mine? •∆•
Frosteas Apr 28, 2018 Okay great! I'm just waiting to pick up a few things from someone else, and then I can open my gates for you!
Okay great! I'm just waiting to pick up a few things from someone else, and then I can open my gates for you!
AbbieGaming Apr 28, 2018 I run on PDT so im 8 hours behind you. It seems youq are online TBT, so would this be a good time?
CaramelCookie Apr 28, 2018 I checked and yes, you're added! Your mii is Nicole and blonde, right? I've reopened Hangzhou
CaramelCookie Apr 28, 2018 Yes, unless you changed your friend code or deleted me by accident... should I close and check?
CaramelCookie Apr 28, 2018 Hello, Nicole! I'm online and will be for the next 12 hours, hopefully we can trade today!