• Gah! I can't ever coordinate a time with you. Just let me know when you are available! I am free all day Sunday and Monday. (possibly Tuesday; We are supposed to have a snowstorm, so if that happens, then I'll be home all day.)
    I haven't vanished just don't seem to be meshing up with your schedule, I'll keep lurking on your online status ahah.
    Hi sorry for not being around some stuff has come up IRL which is why I have been MIA I should be hopefully back in a few days now sorry for any inconvinience.
    Just let me know when you are available. I will be up for a little while longer, and if you do not get online by then, I will be available around 8 A.M. CST (2PM-ish GMT).
    Allrighty I will be available for the drop off from 11pm to 7 am GMT. Is this good? Friday night works great if at all possible. If not Sat. during the day.
    Sorry we seem to keep missing each other! What time zone are you in? I'm gmt, it might help if we set a time :p I'll be around at the weekend, so just let me know
    It looks like your time is about 10:35pm right now and it's 2:35pm here. So I will try to be on when it's about 10am where you are.
    Okie, our time zones are different. I see you were on around 2am my time. So I will try to get on before then a little bit. I'm in PST. I really want the tool set. We'll make it work. :)
    I also am in central standard time so I won't be available until after 3:40pm today. But I will be free on Friday night or Saturday
    I don't know if I will be able to do it until the weekend. It appears that we live in vastly different timezones. Today, I won't be available until after 3pm CST, but by that time you probably will be sleeping.

    If its too much of a problem, I can wait until the weekend, as I will be free all weekend.
    Hello, I'm around now and should be most of today? Just let me know when you're ready, I'll add you now :)
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