A A Alpha_BatWolf_Tsukuri Nov 5, 2017 I can trade anytime today. It is 10:46 am here I'll have to get off by 9pm tonight but I will be on
nbkid Nov 5, 2017 Hopefully I'm able to catch you tomorrow c: I've been really busy so I'm not sure if I'll be on
vessia61 Nov 4, 2017 Hey Im sorry I missed u today I had to go out of town but I am back and will be arounD when u can trade let me know.
Hey Im sorry I missed u today I had to go out of town but I am back and will be arounD when u can trade let me know.
AkaneQ Nov 4, 2017 Hello! I am available and going to be on playing for a while. I will keep checking back here once a short while, let me know when you are on. If not I can be here 4hours earlier tomorrow.
Hello! I am available and going to be on playing for a while. I will keep checking back here once a short while, let me know when you are on. If not I can be here 4hours earlier tomorrow.