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  • Ikr. They should've just asked her to stop. They probably did. The mods that is, and she didn't..
    see with sets it depends if you have the rare sets like 7/11 and sloppy you can boost up the prices, I have sold one for 150 tbt. Now i have it set at 30 tbt and people still buy them, if you win the auction you will be getting 3 sets that have extra's with them, you can keep or sell them I don't mind, but you will have to tell me what the third set you want is. I have every single one except the pave set. as of right now you get the Creepy set the snowman set and 1 extra plus 15 million IGB and 50 gold roses. that is if your 805 bid still stands.
    selling my soul LMAO no seriously from my shops. I open here and there mostly at night. Also sold a LOT of collectibles I still have a few good ones outside of the ones I am auctioning off right now. That I won=the Popsicle and the ice cream swirl which i know I could get a lot for but not quite sure I want to sell them yet, but I had bought TONS of the Halloween cupcakes and 3 sets of all the Halloween collectibles that I have sold. I did the same for Christmas lights and tasty cakes. I sold them for like 15 tbt each. BUT most of my tbt comes from my shops where i have TONS of sets, gold roses, IGB(that I sell for 100 tbt for every 20 million) I just seem to be able to have good head for making tbt even when I get low I am always able to get back up.
    Thank you ^^, it's a portrait of my new leaf mayor. It was made by feavre, they used to take commissions on here but I'm not sure if they're still active.
    tem vOtE fur u in EvRY caTIgory of bELL trieE peeple's cHoice!!!

    tem tInk u deesurve EvRY caTIgory!!! <3
    dee awshumesst!!!

    BuT!! tem seez u r marriee alredie!!! tem can not marriee u!! (cri)
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