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  • I have a bad habit of following links even if they're not for me XDD
    Example: chatzy
    Until one of us tells the other a secret and the other tells it to other peeps without permission..probably a while c:
    er hey lani.. we were having a chatzy earlier and wondered if u wanted to join..

    btw: sorry for being so harsh yesterday.. i was just in a super bad mood, what with my parents and all..again sorry.
    I emailed him but I don't think he noticed :/
    I hope he notices in less that 2 hours! (Meeting with my teacher)
    I just watched that video yesterday!
    Like I work terribly with schedules and getting distracted. ALL. THE. TIME.
    A request: if you see me online, spam me saying,"DO YOUR SCHOOLWORK!!" XD
    BrainPOP. I've heard of ADHD before but didn't know what it was, so I watched the video. I had all the symptoms except one I think. I have a REALLY hard time focusing ;-;
    Thank chu c:
    Definitely! And yeah, sorry about that :/ I couldnt find a font that worked other than that one.
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