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  • Oh, haha ok
    And wow, rough times! I "Hope" everything works out well for you in the end! 8D
    But srsly
    I wish we had a better way to talk!
    I thought you were upset with me over something. I was like "hay" and you were like "just stop". So yeah :eek:
    How are things?
    Just how she rolls BD
    I hope I didn't force you into downloading something you didn't want o_O
    aw that's lame, they're kooks but they can grow on ya.

    Thank ya thank ya, I'm getting there but I'm not 100% yet.
    Yup it's like 15 bucks on steam, and you can play with people on PS3 so das coo'
    You should try it one day =o
    The story is so cheesy, but the battle system's really fun. You have way more control on what you do compared to the first two games. And all dem outfits.. BD
    And FFXIV is an mmo, it's hard to put into words. One of those things you have to try for yourself :p
    There's a Lightning event going on right now, where you can get her or Snow's outfit, and everyone's weapons from the first game. Pretty awesome ;D
    Been playing Lightning Returns, the last game in the series D;
    Addicted to FFXIV. Game's like crack for your mind, srs
    What about you?
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