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  • Hi! I saw that Lobo is in boxes. He's been my dreamie since Wild World, I would absolutely love to have him! Would somewhere around 175 TBT do for him? I'm unsure how to transfer TBT as well, I'll have to figure it out.
    TBT transferred and my gates are open! Just let me know when you're done and I will end communication c: !
    Sorry it took me longer than i thought, i transferred the tbt and am ready cx
    Sounds good! Here's my FC: 3110-7345-5482 , if youdon't mind waiting and hour though, I;m on my phone waiting for my car to be done getting an oil change ; u ; but as soon as I get home, I'll add your FC ><
    Your inbox is full.

    I finished your signature!
    HERE is a link to it.
    If you have any problems with it, please let me know. Otherwise, thank you for your purchase :]
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