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  • yeah it's kinda harder to trade because you have to go to a separate area to do so but it isn't too bad!
    btw. if you have any specific questions about the games do ask! i saw your thread but wasn't entirely sure how to sum up my thoughts... all i can say is that i've beat the game in its entirety and it does not disappoint at all. 60 is a bit expensive but overall it's just incredible and definitely beats out x/y & or/as by a longshot. if there's anything at all you're curious about i can answer it with certainty.
    psst... hey... hey.

    buy sun. buy it. it's so good. IT'S SO GOOD. COME ON. C'MON. BE COOL.
    C O M I N G TO S U P E R C A B L E : A E S T H E T I C S T U F F
    hey! are you able to trade for the fashion check items right now? and are you sure you only want 5 tbt? 0:
    Hey, so I know it's technically not tomorrow yet, but I'm available to get the roses right now if that's all right! ^^
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