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  • I've never had Tom in this town before.. odd! Would you like to retry it with me? As of now I only have 9 villagers.
    You don't need to do that! Thanks a lot, though. I was just letting you know how it went.
    The person gave him away to someone else who asked later after me. But then said that person contacted them first. >.>
    I already took care of it thanks. XD
    I can't post until 1 day after I make the account so I sent him a PM.
    I don't have an account there. If you do can you please tell them I'm going to register now and I will be available to pick him up immediately?! Please, please!
    Hey there, yes Peggy is still available. Thanks so much for offering to take her. I will open my gates as soon as I see you've added me back. the FC for this town is 3738-0478-2625. Thanks again!
    Thanks for the head's up! Really appreciate it. Looks like 00jachna is gonna get her. D;
    Sure, I can send you a VM if she is ever 'in boxes' at my cycling town, but if you have not already, may you please mention looking for her in my topic (I keep track of who to contact by searching my topic)?
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