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  • Yeah I haven't found her yet so I would love to adopt her, thank you!! I have a slot open for her now and should for a while (another villager just moved today so I'm down to 8) so whenever you're ready for me to come get her will work, just let me know :)
    Here are dream addresses to my towns:
    Bam!-(biker pig town)-5B00-002E-528B
    Quackle-(duck town)-4A00-0045-F854
    Newt-(frog town)-5F00-0073-60B8
    Halow'en- (Halloween town)-5F00-00A0-7C3C
    Stilton-(desert, mostly koala town)-5A00-0049-5A0D
    Smeg-(country/city/park town)-4C00-0051-2FF7
    Hi sweetie! Happy Almost Halloween! It's lovely to hear from you. I would absolutely love to adopt Butch. Thanks! Just let me know and I will pop over ;)
    Congratulations on Bam! being featured!

    I am so happy for you. And happy for all the pigs!
    Here are dream addresses to my towns:
    Bam!-(biker pig town)-5B00-002E-528B
    Quackle-(duck town)-4A00-0045-F854
    Newt-(frog town)-5F00-0073-60B8
    Halow'en- (Halloween town)-5F00-00A0-7C3C
    Stilton-(desert, mostly koala town)-5A00-0049-5A0D
    Smeg-(country/city/park town)-4C00-0051-2FF7
    Sorry for coming out of nowhere, but i saw your Goose avatar picture, and Goose is my all-time favorite villager so it makes me happy seeing that other people like him too :D
    Just saying hi. Haven't been around for awhile.
    Just saw you updated your DA - I'll check it out!
    How are you?!
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