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  • your order is up ^^ i changed the contrast of the bg pic, i hope you're fine with that. also, i made the names less visible on purpose in an attempt to make it look less cluttered. leme know if you want to change anything~
    Hey, I just saw your post. I'll be online all day, so feel free to pop by later to sell :) Just leave me a visitor message when you can
    Hello, you can come to my town to sell perfect cherries? :) they're not on premium or anything but they're not my native fruit, and i need the visits c:
    aw, you didn't have to do all that. thank you! if you still have me added, my gates are currently open for a giveaway. (why don't you participate as well xD, dig up random items)
    hii, kinda random but were you the person who said to contact you later to catalogue the other zodiac items? i had to delete all my messages so >___<
    I just saw it and responded on your thread, thanks!! I also didn't realize my inbox was full so thanks for telling me! I'll go clear it :p
    Ha ha, I know the feels. I'm currently doing that! Not that you hadn't gathered from the bushes. Ha ha.
    Ahh, just had to comment on how lovely your town is! I can tell all the work and dedication it's taken!
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