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  • Wow! Thank you so much for that gift, that was so thoughtful, and totally took me by surprise! Do you want anything in return?? :)
    It's all good, it was a gift! Enjoy.
    . Rarity .
    . Rarity .
    I will, thank you again, have a nice rest of your day/evening :)
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    I saw one of your posts and I wanted to say sorry about your mom and the frustration of doctors. I hope things improve soon.
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    Thanks for understanding, it's been a frustrating situation. She's been improving already luckily so there is hope.
    I haven't managed to keep up with TBT for the past few days, but just saw the news about your mum. I'm so sorry to hear what happened, but I'm really glad she is recovering. Wishing lots of strength to her, and a fast recovery. Hope you are all doing ok. ❤️
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    Thank you SJ, I appreciate you reaching out. ❤
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    Reactions: S.J.
    I love your lineup! The mushrooms are so underrated and they look great with Leif and the green/yellow color scheme! 🍄
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    Reactions: oak
    Thank you! The mushroom collectables are top notch.
    your island is so cute! i relate heavy to running around in circles not knowing what to do next lol. keep going!!
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    I'm so glad you like it!
    Hi Oak! I hope you’re doing well ☺️💜. Your lineup looks wonderful 🙂. Did you have fun with the egg hunt?
    Yay I'm glad you noticed my line up! I only had 9 eggs to display so the moon ball is pretending to be an egg collectable for now lol. I enjoyed this egg hunt a lot actually. The new rules made things less stressful. I hope you got all the egg collectables you wanted.
    I’m so glad ☺️💜. I agree! It was a lot of fun and seeing everyone helping each other out too :). i did, thanks! ☺️
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