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  • I was supposed to be a pirate that had barnacles. I really wanted to do some special fx inspired from the Pirate's of the Caribbean (character Bootstrap Bill) but I didn't have the money to make a face cast ;____; lol so I used some scar wax that I had to make the barnacles on my face. I don't think anyone realized what they were XD
    tumblr in action? lol that subreddit is actually pretty funny sometimes. tumblrs actually a really bad place and its an awful website like did you hear about that zamii person
    idk ive been puking all week so im not really in the mood to host rn bc i can barely look at my computer screen for more than 15 mins w/o getting a headache
    Which sections (Are they called sections...you know what i mean like /r/something)
    Saw your post on the voting thread! > v< I was cosplaying as Yoshino from Date A Live!~ (An anime) c:
    She looks like this:
    Did you pick the Link costume because the person wearing the costume looked so good? ;)
    Barely... haha...
    (I mainly go on here when I'm at school and refusing to do any actual work. XD)
    I thought you would be like: err dur get away from me
    your 10 shut up blah balh blah.

    Your nice, Don't get how you got banned but whatever. Welcome back!
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