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  • Haha yes Tumblr can be tricky at first. But after you use it for a while it'll start to make sense! xD
    You just need to leave her a message here: http://deenen.tumblr.com/ask
    I *think* you don't need an account to leave a message, so maybe you can give her your email and then continue the discussion via email? Just an idea xD
    Aw thank you! I'm so in love with it haha ;u;
    I commissioned someone on Tumblr to drew it. Here is her Tumblr: http://deenen.tumblr.com/

    Oh, and here is a link to the image in my signature if you're interested :p [x]
    It's okay. I'm still busy with a long weekend. Lemme know when you are free.
    Well i prefer doing villagers. but if the request lures and inspires me I'll gladly do it. doesn't hurt putting in a request. ^_^
    Yes, the only collectibles i'm looking for are in the list. I'm really sorry. =/
    I do have a freebie thread in the museum you can make a request in though. ^_^
    Currently I don't accept anything other than the collectibles in the actual shop, as I'm holding an auction with TBT bells as payment. c:
    Sorry I been busy this week. I will have time to play tonight and this weekend. Which shirts would you like to be displayed?
    I completely forgot about going over to your town yesterday :O Message back anytime today and we can make arrangements. So sorry :S
    Tis ok :) take your time :) I understand lol plot resetting is hella annoying
    yeah definitely! I often get peppy and normal villagers confused. Especially the cats
    wow, it's hard to imagine bob as cranky, but his eyes are kinda scary now that you mention it o_o
    oh no, not at all! i was just correcting myself, i'm fine! ahaha i can't believe i thought he was smug tho
    I don't like Mega Houndoom very much, I'll be honest.. But he still looks cool.. I don't even know what Mega Manectric is, but he's still a cool Pokémon nonetheless
    Yes, please send that and the villagers in a pm so it doesn't get lost in my visitor messages!
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