analytic Apr 16, 2014 mew, gengar, gardevoir, and misdreavus. sorry I took so long, I had to clean >.<
KermitTea Apr 16, 2014 Okay, so can I get all the pokemon I requested? (Since you said some might be reserved)
KermitTea Apr 16, 2014 I just saw you add some new Pokemon so do you mind if I change it a bit? Gligar, blaziken, Chansey, Heracross, Metagross, Mew, Spheal I can give you 7/11 set + 350k?^^
I just saw you add some new Pokemon so do you mind if I change it a bit? Gligar, blaziken, Chansey, Heracross, Metagross, Mew, Spheal I can give you 7/11 set + 350k?^^
analytic Apr 16, 2014 okay, awesome! I'll add you and get online, you can request the trade when youre ready. I'll get on acnl next and give you the bells and furniture.
okay, awesome! I'll add you and get online, you can request the trade when youre ready. I'll get on acnl next and give you the bells and furniture.
KermitTea Apr 16, 2014 Yes please!^^; let me get my DS now. Btw, how do we trade Pokemon? Do I just add your nintendo DS FC or is there another code? sorry, new to Pokemon trading aha. Also, do I pay you the acnl bells first?
Yes please!^^; let me get my DS now. Btw, how do we trade Pokemon? Do I just add your nintendo DS FC or is there another code? sorry, new to Pokemon trading aha. Also, do I pay you the acnl bells first?