Takuya Sep 18, 2015 Hey, do you by any chance have some Pokemon Online TCG Codes left?, I'd be very interested ^^ thanks see u
Hey, do you by any chance have some Pokemon Online TCG Codes left?, I'd be very interested ^^ thanks see u
Irarina Sep 8, 2015 Hello there, I am so sorry for the lateness! I was sick last week. Let me know if the background works for you or if you need adjustment. Darker http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r6/Irarina/Flight%20Rising/CBObeseMudkipzX_zps4credduv.png Lighter http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r6/Irarina/Flight%20Rising/CBObeseMudkipz_zpsfd43pwvu.png
Hello there, I am so sorry for the lateness! I was sick last week. Let me know if the background works for you or if you need adjustment. Darker http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r6/Irarina/Flight%20Rising/CBObeseMudkipzX_zps4credduv.png Lighter http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r6/Irarina/Flight%20Rising/CBObeseMudkipz_zpsfd43pwvu.png
Irarina Aug 31, 2015 Alright. I can make them real quick if you can give me the links to the dragons again c:
Irarina Aug 30, 2015 Hello there, sure I can do that. I rarely post on TBT nowadays but I check it everyday for any messages. Feel free to PM me the details.
Hello there, sure I can do that. I rarely post on TBT nowadays but I check it everyday for any messages. Feel free to PM me the details.
JellyDitto Aug 23, 2015 Well I was gonna use blargsnes but I can't figure out how to set it up, so im not the best person to ask about that. Btw you youse the bottomtouch screen to look around, l and r to shoot portals, and the circle thing to walk.
Well I was gonna use blargsnes but I can't figure out how to set it up, so im not the best person to ask about that. Btw you youse the bottomtouch screen to look around, l and r to shoot portals, and the circle thing to walk.