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  • Nah, the Gem itself is called Hale, the only Gem type that gives Status Res

    Wellness skill prevents Poison, Paralysis, Sleep and Stun.
    I think Handicrafts are high up, dunno where about because a code on Powersaves pretty much just gives the material to make these things.

    However the Hale ones were the only one I had to personally hack in, it might be a problem to get I think.
    Powersaves aren't super expensive and are easy to use.

    Rajangs are an arse, they go Super Saiyan lmao
    Rathscension has Vit 1 (Useless)
    Helm has three Hale level 1 Jewels (+6 Status Res)
    Mail has one Hale level 1 Jewel (+2 Status Res)
    Vambraces has one Artisan level 3 Jewel (+3 Handicraft & -2 Sharpness)
    Coil has one Hale level 1 Jewel (+2 Status Res)
    Graves has one Artisan level 3 Jewel (+3 Handicraft & -2 Sharpness)
    Legend Talisman has +14 Hearing & +14 Wind Res (And level 2 Wind Res Jewel (+3) and level 1 Earplug Jewel)

    Hacking breaks the game, man.
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