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  • Either doesn't matter, we'll probably find people who want it too.

    ...And we can be real asshats about it!
    Soloed those quests, Tigrex was a ***** compared to the Gravios because a Hermitar decided to come along and make things harder, But I literally did barely any damage to Gravios for like the first ten minutes tho, kept getting punished by flames.

    But yeah, did you already do the Urgent?
    Actually nah, always the risk of someone taking ages to join.

    I rly don't wanna nap when I get home lmao, I'll try to be at the urgent with you when we next play.
    U wat

    I guess, I'll solo the other two tomorrow since you'd wanna level up right away.
    Lemme tell you man.

    Having this gear isn't making quests any easier, I hate G rank because it's full of these people (atleast I've been told)

    Idk, I'll find a way to get the other quests done after the Diablos :/
    Well if you'd rather do so, if you need to rush off to study, it's not an issue 8)

    on my way to ur hall in a sec
    When you'd start studying, It'd be 12:30AM for me and I'd think about sleeping around 2AM since I need to be up ay 7:30AM
    well I'm 2 slow, but I'm around, I'll get on MH now.

    Hopefully we can atleast get 2 quests done before you need to study, probably won't be around for when you're done studying tho 8(
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