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  • I feel ya man, cam chat sucks (esp since I'm a uggo supremeo)
    Not much else I can suggest since I like, never use Reddit.
    iirc, only way we can send messages is by Miiverse, unless we cam eachother on that Wii U chat thing.
    There's also Discord that you can use, Browser and Mobile, if that would be easiest for you.
    Prolly not, I got banned last year when a person told on me because me and a friend were helping eachother with the clues.
    I think maybe just change his secondary and tertiary genes c: but that's a good point ~ maybe I should save for my gen 1 ;u;
    Well, thank you very much!!! I'm so happy to have him in my lair/on my coli team!!! :D Thank you~
    Also, I only have 5600 TR right now...I'm sorry it's not much for a borrowing fee!
    Sure, sending right now! Oh, thank you for the offer but I have PLENTY of food :> I should be ok!
    Hey! Me again :> I know you already graciously sold me that lovely Noc, but could I take you up on your offer in the FR thread and borrow one of your Level 25s?
    i can send you my collectibles i barely go on acnl or this forums anymore ahaa
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