Greninja Nov 4, 2014 I was reading it for school too finished it before the whole class did did you there is a movie on it you should watch it soon or after you finish the book
I was reading it for school too finished it before the whole class did did you there is a movie on it you should watch it soon or after you finish the book
PandaNikita Nov 3, 2014 I have all my collectible gifts from other users displayed so I don't accidentally give them away :C
NSFW Nov 1, 2014 oh no i already have one its just hidden :~) you can sell the red candies to yourself but idk about the green candy id take it but i have 2 lol
oh no i already have one its just hidden :~) you can sell the red candies to yourself but idk about the green candy id take it but i have 2 lol
starlark Nov 1, 2014 Well if you don't have any use for it you don't have to give it back but I'd rather you spend it