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  • Ahh, I haven't worked with gifs. I think I could figure it out if my editing laptop was better, but it's pretty terrible so I'm limited to a simple program on this one. Sorry! D;
    Yes lol I bought candy from him XD I'm auctioning off my Marshal and Bluebear for TBT T____T

    candy is more important than my villagers lol </3
    YES! I managed to get 5 candies from the restock this morning mwahaha - but half of my red candies are being given away in my thread D: I need blue candies lol
    wow omg ty for giving me a lvl 100 one it makes one pokemon less to lvl up
    i prob cant get the green candy since im going shopping but yeah ill get online but ill transfer the bells
    idk i might go shopping but i didnt get the green candy but do you wanna trade for lapras now omg
    lmao i heard justin locked the restock thread bc someone said someones art is bad
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