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  • is it just the suit top to black or did you change the pants too because id lve to not have to color that chainmail
    i think i will switch it up those sound a lot easier actually. i'm streaming it now on ayrrink on livestream
    which ones were they because i'll switch them if they're easier to draw then the ones i already sketched.
    Ugh I'm so sorry your sig is taking so long college has had me swamped completely for the last several months. I'll stream it tonight or tomorrow and get that thing done.
    hello im posting a message on ur profile but i wont reply till next month
    i wish i was an easter egg
    if you think thats bad, i saw someone trade their pokeball collectible for the demo code
    Yup! Good thing there is going to be 350+ more beach collectibles over the next week, so more people will have an opportunity to get them.
    Totally forgot about the yellow house letter, I'm guessing maybe 2-3 were stocked XD
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