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  • I'm glad to hear it c: it started off very rough but I think things are looking up! Still have to get my hands on that mineralogy book!
    congrats (and thanks), Most Helpful! :D

    and uh not sure if its congrats or condolences for winning most Mature?? :eek:
    I just used the definition Google threw at me.

    Looking at that Urban Dictionary page, it appears that it can mean quite a number of things.

    Quit using such uncommon language! In order to fix this, I recommend you read Wikipedia in Simple English some time. It really numbs your brain.
    Happy New Year! <3

    That was happening to me for a while too, but I'm glad it self-corrected c:

    Intersting! Ha, that still sort of scares me lol. But that would look so cool inside of a case, with maybe its own spotlight or something... XD all glistening and green...! Haha, well if you suddenly develop powers lmk, I'll have to get some cuprosklodowskite stat 8)

    I really like the metallic-looking minerals atm, like Bismuth... but I'm sure that's a pretty popular one ;A;
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