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  • Thanks for the offer, but I am all set on foreign perfect fruit right now. I appreciate you stepping in tho x)
    hello!! could i have two baskets of perfect orange and two of peach? i can trade them for my perfect pears! pleeeease!
    hello ! i saw that you were offering to give perfect fruit away ? I was wondering, may i have a few baskets of perfect oranges ? owo
    Hello, I am looking around for perfect fruit other than apples and I saw your offer to give fruit out to visitors. Are you able to give me a hand please? :)
    Understood, and thanks! If you decide you do want them separate later, there is definitely enough space between each mini, for you to crop/cut or whatever hehe.
    Hiya! I just wanted to give you an update on your order. I'm about halfway done with your villagers. I've finally got a layout and successfully begun one page with ten mini chibis on it. I just finished Lolly, but because they're small I'm confident that I can have it finished today. Thank you SO much for being patient with me. I've finally gotten some time today to really crank out some orders. You're mayor will likely be a large full body on her own page though. I hope you don't kind :) Thanks again for ordering from me!
    Thanks again SO MUCH for letting me come get Beardo, and for being so patient with me all day! I'm so glad to finally have him move into Bucket! <3

    If there's any rating or review or anything I can leave for you, please do let me know since I'm brand new here. Thanks again!
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