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  • All right! I'm good to trade any time now (I'm back home). I'll add your 3DS code now -- just post again when you're good to have me come over and talk to Beardo! Thanks again for being so accommodating. :3 (bathtime for 10 kittens?!)
    Hi there! Sorry for the late reply, I've been out shopping today (ugh). I would love to adopt either Beardo or Merengue, whomever is easiest for you! Thanks for letting me know. Would you be available later tonight, around 7PM EST or later?
    Hmm, you seemed really fast when typing though
    It was definitely faster than me, ha ha
    Well, Lolly is still available if you'd like to try and come over to my town and see if you can get her?
    Hi, Lolly is boxes if you'd still like to get her?
    I'll wait 2 hours before I post her on my thread for others to possibly take :p
    Awesome! I'm telling him how to add your friend code and stuff as we speak. Open when you're ready! c:
    Hi! I was wondering if you were still on? We're ready! Do you mind if we both go to your town? c:
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