B B Briana0666 May 5, 2014 Didn't you just come to my town? Someone came and started talking to my villagers even after I asked them politely not to. :l
Didn't you just come to my town? Someone came and started talking to my villagers even after I asked them politely not to. :l
krookodilehunter Apr 30, 2014 Sure, you can have 50 tulips! I'm usually online from like 3 pm-11 pm central time, and will online most of today, too.
Sure, you can have 50 tulips! I'm usually online from like 3 pm-11 pm central time, and will online most of today, too.
The Hidden Owl Apr 28, 2014 Hey! I am here to pick up Savannah for my sis. I will pay in my town, and she will pick up in hers. My FC is: 1349-5293-4151. I am adding you.
Hey! I am here to pick up Savannah for my sis. I will pay in my town, and she will pick up in hers. My FC is: 1349-5293-4151. I am adding you.
Stalfos Apr 28, 2014 I'm sorry but he moved out a few days ago. I don't think he liked it in my town, he was always asking to move.
I'm sorry but he moved out a few days ago. I don't think he liked it in my town, he was always asking to move.