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  • THATS GOOD CUZ I NEED TO GET GOOD PRICES I JUST GOT 30 WTH. so like if I got marina out would u want her? uvu
    ugh they all suck but fauna did move in, if I like her/u dont idk i might move out marina for her she seems so cute
    okie imma come now so yea open da gates ;u;/ and then when ur done imma TT every day and check turnip prices cuz I found phoebe a home and crap I gotta buy turnips from ur town to btw uvu and u can sell too but thats a duhh
    phoebe left me so I can start moving my money c: and ugh I stopped doing shop tho feel free to buy the 100 ****in dandlion puffs im hoarding -ugly crying- im buying bushes/saplings so brb like 10 min but yea
    yea but imma try to cycle someone out before I do that unless u doing something later UnU and ooo I wanna see *^* I also want u to come to my cycle time to see cube/ other villagers cuz I just got pecan and shes 2 cute omg.
    but its unreleased idk how u even?!?! /dies. ugh my wifi is messing uo. /ugly crying but yea i can hold her idc ;u;/
    so u have no space now D: omfgggg
    I wrote down in my notepad that you want them, and if you're asking me to them hold 'em if you get them in a cycling thread thats fine, u need to chill with the cyclersss in dat chat thingy. they always having villagers 8)))) AND OMFG HOW DID U??!1
    yea in my cycling town, just enter and I'll tell my bro. honestly I want to keep cube this lil ****er...man its so cute...omfg u should see this pudgy ****er. and u can have my orange roses I know its not cosmos but I have so many o. roses T-T
    she sounds like my dad omfg, man this cake rhino has yet to reply wth ;A; I keep getting ugly villagers and its pissing me off kinda idk, I got cube..he's 2 cute ;A;
    weeding day is weird, like I invite u to my town and u pick weeds and u get gifts but I just stand there idk 8(
    actually, someone has had a pretty failed trade with someone (They were going to trade Diana for Tia, but the other person's wifi is completely messed up, and their timezones are totally different)
    If this person gives up on the trade, they wanted Whitney or Tia for Diana, and I should be getting Whitney pretty soon.
    I literally cba with another raffle, so assuming I get whitney in time and the trade has flopped, I'll ask her to give Diana 2 u bbz
    Oh, by the way?
    I got Mira for you earlier, it doesn't matter if you don't want her, I'm sure I can fin her a home but she's yours when she moves out if you want ^_^
    yea its just on weeding day but I have to get the rose sofa/cosmo fan/viloet screen/and lil record player. but weeds pop up errywhere so its no biggie. u can do it whenever idc \o/
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