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  • Hey! I'll be about 5 min if that's ok, I'm just picking up a few hybrids :)
    Ok posted a new one for you! Someone else also posted an idea for the other song that you can try out too!
    Hey! I'm going to post the image in your thread so I can just upload it from my computer more easily. Let me know what you think and feel free to ask for any changes you might want!
    It will actually be quite a bit off because there are 2 sharps. Sorry :(
    So unfortunately it's not possible to get it exactly right because there are two half steps in a row and we can't use sharps/flats. Do you still want it just slightly off? Or is there another song you'd like to try?
    Hello, I'm on now! Once you've transferred the 25 TBT, I will head over to your town with your items! My FC ~ 0533-6616-1825!
    Hey, I'm so sorry for putting this off, AGAIN! ;u; but is tomorrow okay? I left my 3DS in my sister's car, who's at work until later tonight!!!! So sorry!!!!
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