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  • Aw that's such a shame! :( Can you let me know when she wants to go again? We could still trade I guess.. Thanks!
    Deirdre is moving out in 3 or 4 days! I time-travel a bit, but I'll let you know when I see moving boxes!
    My friend might be getting Mint from someone but if not, she will send you a PM with her list of villagers.
    I would love that! I'll have a free spot this Sunday to welcome Maple. :D I don't time travel though, but I will keep Pekoe for you and let you know as soon as she's moving! :) Sounds good?
    You have Maple!!! I dont hace anyone on your list :( interested in Ribbot, Gala, Walker, Jacques, Lobo, or Shari?!?!
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