Recent content by Ossiran

  1. Ossiran

    Now that the Switch 2 has been revealed, let’s talk Animal Crossing 6

    I am not expecting Animal Crossing to be shown in April 2 Direct, nor do I expect it to come this year. But I wouldn't be surprised if either was the case. I won't go in expecting it. Since the Switch 2 is coming out in 2025, I'm expecting the next Animal Crossing in 2026. I'm still hoping that...
  2. Ossiran

    Whats your favorite KK song and if you want to say; why?

    Go K.K. Rider, Two Days Ago, and K.K. Robot Synth probably top my list.
  3. Ossiran

    Four Players and Fifteen Villagers, or Eight Players and Ten Villagers

    I'm going to vote for "More Animals and Less Humans", but I wouldn't mind a combination of both. Make it so that if you live with only 4 humans in your town, you can have more villagers. But if you decide you want more human players, you'll have to give up a villager for each one. This way...
  4. Ossiran

    Chances of a new AC on Switch 2?

    By this logic, there was no reason for Animal Crossing e+, since Animal Forest+ already existed on the Gamecube. Or New Leaf since the DS had Wild World and the 3DS could play it... The Switch 2, even if it looks like the Switch, will be a new system. Even if it's backwards compatible, there's...
  5. Ossiran

    Mario Favorite Mario character?

    To this day, Yoshi remains as my favorite.
  6. Ossiran

    Which 3DS do you have?

    I had the original, but traded it in for the New 3DS XL when that came out.
  7. Ossiran

    Which Animal Crossing game would you like to see be remade?

    If any should be remade, it's the Gamecube game. It would already make a huge difference just being able to see the sky in that game. Remake it with some buildings from the other games (Observatory, Roost, etc.). and QoL improvements (item stacking, tool menu, etc.) and it'd be perfect.
  8. Ossiran

    Chances of a new AC on Switch 2?

    It's guaranteed to happen. Given the usual time frame (New Horizons being an anomaly due to the Wii U's failure), I'd expect a new Animal Crossing game in early 2026 if the console is coming out in early 2025. While I'd love for it to be a launch title or a first year release, and it's not...
  9. Ossiran

    Mushroom Season Is Here!

    Day 1 gave me unfortunate, ha ha.
  10. Ossiran

    Who are your hated villagers?

    Unsurprisingly, it's Jambette. I dislike her design, and when she moved in in place of my favorite villagers at the time, I couldn't hate her enough.
  11. Ossiran

    Fav animal crossing gamecube villager and why?

    It'd be a tie between Chief and Fang. I've always loved Chief's design, but I enjoyed the classiness of Fang's house.
  12. Ossiran

    Mushroom Season Is Here!

    Sounds like a fun event.
  13. Ossiran

    Least favourite feature in the entire series so far?

    Grass deterioration and golden tools breaking for sure.
  14. Ossiran

    What thing in the next game's trailer would get a big applause from you?

    Each Animal Crossing trailer has a big feature that Nintendo revolves trailers around. Wild World it was going online. City Folk was the city. New Leaf was diving, followed by the mayor reveal in later trailers. And New Horizons had a few trailers, but the first big trailer focused on putting...
  15. Ossiran

    Last Day of New Leaf Online

    Well, it's here. The last official day of 3DS online. It's been a nice run. New Leaf was definitely a lot of fun, and the online connectivity will be missed. While still a great Animal Crossing game with loads of offline content, the fact remains that some things will be unobtainable now. Hope...