Ideas/hopes you have for AC6?


(The title is) TOO LONG to write here.
Mar 5, 2024
Pink Bunny Balloon
Blue Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Blue Bunny Balloon
Pink Bunny Balloon
I've been thinking about the idea of AC6 recently, and I have a few ideas for what I wanna see in it. You can post yours too!!
  • MINIGAMES. oh my god why don't they have minigames in acnh. Maybe have a building for them? If they're gonna keep Reactions being given to you by your villagers then they could have Dr. Shrunk as the host for them idk. Would be cool if you could get items as prizes (or even just tokens to trade in for items) from them.
  • Bring back the Nintendo items! Maybe have them be gotten by scanning Amiibo figures? It's honestly kind of shocking to me how ACNH didn't do that considering the Switch had Amiibo compatibility from the get-go. (I kinda doubt that any second-party stuff would be included, but if they got the Sanrio collab in both NL and NH (plus the Pokemon stuff in PC) then I can at least feasibly see them having Pokemon or Kirby-themed items.)
  • On a related note, NINTENDO VILLAGERS. Bring the Zelda and Splatoon villagers back, maybe add some new ones too (I know people who would probably sell their soul for Pokemon villagers), just ANYTHINGGGG
  • I'd like to see crafting make a return, but maybe not as pushed as it was in ACNH. Maybe just use it for crafting exclusive furniture sets or something? And don't even bother with the breakable tools stuff (or at least only make the flimsy tools breakable, if those make a return). Also, BRING BACK THE ORES even if they're just for crafting themed furniture.
  • This might be a bit farfetched, but maybe they could do something similar to Animal Island from Population Growing? The idea I had for it is, like, the villagers on it are all special species that you can't get in your town naturally (I'm thinking anthro sea creatures kinda like how Splatoon does its non-humanoid species) who can be invited to live in your town once you become good enough friends with them. They could also use the island to bring back the extra fruits that were in New Leaf!
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...honestly I think my most wanted AC game is just a fusion of the scope of New Leaf and the ease of customisation of New Horizons lol
omg i feel exactly the same way as you on most of your points!! ugh yes, bring back the nintendo items and villagers and the ores and minigames. however i would prefer they not bring crafting back at all. it was so tedious and annoying to me and i feel it was such a departure from the previous games.
I'm kinda nostalgic for the city because City Folk was my first game, or even the shopping plaza in NL. Even in my town in New Horizons I made myself my own little shopping area. There's only two stores but I added the museum with it so it didn't like so bare lol.

More hair customization. More styles, duo hair colors like streaks or ombre kinda looks. Make even makeup, eyeshadow, blush, yaknow.

And please, please Nintendo, shelves! I need wall mounted items I can display stuff on lol. I feel like I have so many little candles, trinkets, and stuff in NH and filling my house with tables to display makes it to cluttered.
I'm kinda nostalgic for the city because City Folk was my first game, or even the shopping plaza in NL. Even in my town in New Horizons I made myself my own little shopping area. There's only two stores but I added the museum with it so it didn't like so bare lol.

More hair customization. More styles, duo hair colors like streaks or ombre kinda looks. Make even makeup, eyeshadow, blush, yaknow.

And please, please Nintendo, shelves! I need wall mounted items I can display stuff on lol. I feel like I have so many little candles, trinkets, and stuff in NH and filling my house with tables to display makes it to cluttered.
Literally if I could pick one thing from everything I said it would be shelves because when I get into my interior design phases it makes me SICK trying to make a room with oomp and trying to navigate not having 20 tables in a room lmfao
I don't see crafting going away. I do see cave exploration being a thing. Mining in it, and finding stuff for the museum in it, yes, yes. 🦝
I just don't know if a cave/the mines would be in your town or in a circumstance similar to the nook mile islands.
I could see villagers being afraid of it though.. or curious because of rumors of treasures.
Has a feeling of a new npc being discovered that lives in there..
I normally try to avoid stuff like this, because I don't want to get myself excited about stuff that probably won't happen, BUT I couldn't stop thinking last night lol. I have two lists, one of old stuff I want brought back, and one for new ideas!

Stuff I hope is brought back:
  • Recycling bin from City Folk
  • Old NPC's such as Phineas, Pelly, Phylis, Pete, Kate and Katie, etc.
  • I like being able to change my characters hair with a mirror, I wish though you could still go to Harriet for certain hairstyles. And she could give you the mirror hairstyles too, but it would be through her little question and answer thing!
  • Sports Day from GC
  • Mini games!!!
  • Flea markets from CF! It was so cool being able to go to your villagers houses, and buy some of their stuff. And sell your own stuff.
  • Gracie having her own store (Preferably bringing back the city or something like it from City Folk)
  • Unbreakable tools. Even if it is just the golden tools that don't break.
  • Randomly spawning pitfalls.
  • Asking villagers to sign petitions

New Ideas:
  • Cooking festivals! I know this is kind of just the Harvest Festival, but having a small little cooking/baking event every season would be cute. Maybe there could be a theme, like desserts, fruit based, or something. There could even be a pie eating contest, if the theme was pies! Or instead it could be a "Make some food for another villager" day thing, and you can exchange different food with your villager. Maybe you get a special prize if you give someone their favorite food. And their favorite food could be hinted at leading up to the event, like how Toy Day presents were in NL
  • Garden festivals! I'm not totally sure how this would work, maybe each person would be mailed a special plant a week or two before the event, and you have to water it every day for it to grow, and the best one wins? Or maybe it could be some kind of farmers market with the villagers, who could sell fruits and vegetables that you don't have access to?
  • Lawn mowing competition. I remember seeing people wishing that the lawn mower in NH would actually work (Can't remember the thread, sorry!), but it kind of aligns with that! Maybe this competition would happen if you let your town get covered in weeds, or maybe it could be a new mini game that takes place in a separate location
  • Voting. Bring back Tortimer as the mayor, but let us vote for things like town style. All the buildings could change designs depending on the vote, and certain outdoor items would either increase or decrease your town rating, depending on if they fit the current "town style" or not. You could have modern, fairytale, historical, standard, abandoned, and so many more! You could also vote for town ordinances. And there could be a few new ordinances, like one that doesn't penalize you for having weeds in your town. And maybe some silly ones, like "Everyone wears blue" and if you're not wearing blue, villagers will make remarks about it like they do with bee stings. I'm thinking the actual voting could go one of two ways. The first way, is for weekly votes and the players votes are the only ones that really count, so you're not stuck with what the villagers have randomized 90% of the time. The other way, lets you see how many votes each category has, every villagers vote counts, not just yours. But, with this you can go around and convince your villagers to vote for what you want. This could happen monthly, instead of weekly to compensate for that.
  • Pitfalls spawning EVERYWHERE on April fools day. Maybe Blanca is behind it? Or maybe a group effort by all the villagers?
The minigame thing NEEDS to happen, as Flora always asks if I want to play beach volleyball, I say yes, but we never play a game. I think a beach volleyball minigame could be fun, kind of like the treasure hunt.
My biggest hope is the game is more like the Mario Kart 8 track in terms of graphical style and POV, as it feels like the next evolution of the series. The first-person mode of the camera app in NH seems like a test run for that.

However, here are some of the things I'd like to see even if the game doesn't go that route:
  • Make the Bulletin Board fun again! I miss the random notes and "message of the day" from older games, weather reports, treasure hunts, etc. If sticking with the Nookphone, then maybe an app where you can see villagers interacting with each other and posting various things.
  • Return of holidays like Sports Day.
  • More weather variety.
    • Things such as blizzards that combine heavy snow with fox to make it harder to see.
    • Snow being possible (but rare) in October and after the snow melts.
    • Normal rain being possible in winter, albeit make it rare.
    • Waterspouts visible far beyond the map during severe storms, just as a visual treat.
  • Nocturnal villagers such as bats as opossums.
  • A convenience store that's open at night when the other stores are closed, since some people do have a night life. Could even have them run by a bat or something like. However, to make it so people don't feel compelled to play all the time, it can share an inventory with the usual Nook store and lacks most types of furniture.
  • Rework crafting. It can stay, but it should be for making things like flimsy DIY tools and a limited selection of custom furniture.
  • Return of mini-games.
  • A progression in the story of sorts with a return of the "episodes" from Wild World and City Folk. I'd also like to see characters like Redd get an apprentice or something.
  • Special NPCs walking around the town outside of work hours. It'd be nice being able to interact with the Able Sisters before/after work outside of the Roost.
  • Bringing back the observatory. A way I think could be fun is using it to locate constellations in-game and having them appear in the sky at certain parts of the year once discovered. Or use it for custom ones again, I'd love that too!
  • More micro-holidays. Stuff like a star viewing, beach day.

There are many more things I'd like to see, but that's a sample of things.